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Environmental Consultancy

We have worked on animal bone, marine shell, terrestrial and freshwater molluscs and plant remains from archaeological sites across southwest Asia, including Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), Qatar, United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Kuwait. 

We can provide identification and reporting services for environmental remains including mammal, bird and fish bones, marine, terrestrial and freshwater molluscs, and plant remains recovered from archaeological sites in the Arabian Peninsula, with experience working on assemblages as part of on-site fieldwork or working in the UK where export has been possible.

We can also provide environmental sampling strategies and travel to set up systems for sampling and sample processing on location.

We can provide finds cataloguing in the field and reporting for some finds categories.

Qatar 2011

Our work has contributed towards heritage (HIA) and environmental impact assessments (EIA) ahead of construction and infrastructure as well as reporting for government body and university-led research projects for publication.

Al Ain, Abu Dhabi 2023

For further information please drop us an email:

Reports and publications


Al Meqbali, A. A. R., Eddisford, D., de Vreeze, M., Almenhali, H. H., Al Yammahi, A., Fadel, H., Al Tawalbeh, D., Botan, S. and Russ, H. 2024. Archaeological Excavations at Umm an-Nar Island 1959-2022. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 53: 150-164.

Russ, H. 2024. Marine molluscs and mammal teeth from the NEOM project, NW Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Russ, H. 2024. Environmental remains from bulk samples from the Early Islamic period site at Ain Mohammed, northern Qatar in 2022.

Russ, H. 2024. Environmental remains from bulk samples from the Early Islamic period site at Mesaika, northern Qatar in 2022.


Russ, H. 2023. Animal bone from Magháir Shúayb, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (N00257).

Russ, H. 2023. Animal bone from Umm an-Nar Island, Abu Dhabi Emirate, United Arab Emirates: human diet, trade and environment during the Early Bronze Age.

Parker, A. G., S. J. Armitage, M. Engel, M. W. Morley, A. Parton, G. W. Preston, H. Russ & P. Drechsler. 2020. Palaeoenvironmental and Sea Level Changes during the Early to mid-Holocene in Eastern Saudi Arabia and their implications for Neolithic populations. Quaternary Science Reviews 249, 106618.

Parker, A. G., S. J. Armitage, M. Engel, M. W. Morley, A. Parton, G. W. Preston & H. Russ. 2018. Chapter 2: Geomorphology, Geoarchaeology and Paleoenvironments. In Drechsler, P. (ed.) Dosariyah: An Arabian Neolithic Coastal Community in the Central Gulf. British Foundation for the Study of Arabia Monographs 19. Oxford: Archaeopress.

Petersen, A., F. A. Al-Naimi, A. Grey, I. Edwards, A. Hill, H. Russ & D. Williams. 2016. Ruwayda: an historic urban settlement in north Qatar. Post-Medieval Archaeology 50(2): 321-349.​

Russ, H. & A. Petersen. 2013. Fish and fishing during the Late Islamic period at Rubayqa, northern Qatar; preliminary results. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 43: 277-284.


Russ, H. forthcoming 2024. Marine shell. In Kennet, D., A. Caine, A. Hilton and Weeks, L. The Bronze Age Collective Graves of Qarn al-Harf, Ras al-Khaimah (UAE): Southeast Arabia at the Dawn of the Second Millennium. Oxford: Oxbow.

Morgan, V. & H. Russ. forthcoming. Marine molluscs and other marine invertebrates from Sasanian and Early Islamic Period sites in Kuwait Bay. In Kennett, D.

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