Post-Excavation Management
Finds and environmental sample processing, specialist reporting and archive preparation services
tailored to fit your project needs
Project management
Small or large, we can work with you to bring your project to a successful completion.
Our work will ensure that your project meets with national standards and guidance as well as any specification in the WSI.
Every project has different requirements and we are happy to quote, whether you need finds and/or sample processing, specialist reporting, or archive preparation.
We can work directly with clients or external archaeologists to contribute towards the write up of the site narrative, including providing synthesis chapters/sections for finds and environmental results if needed.

Finds & environmental sample processing
We have capacity to take on projects requiring finds and sample processing at our warehouse facility. All processing is conducted inline with current guidelines and we package all material appropriately for return to the client or in preparation for further work and archiving.
Specialist reporting & scientific analysis
Our team of in-house specialists provide assessment, analysis and publication reporting for most material classes from the Palaeolithic to modern periods. We also work with selected external suppliers to provide artefact conservation, x-ray, radiocarbon dating, residue identification, and a range of other scientific analyses.
Artefact illustration
We can provide illustration services for small finds and vessels. We primarily work digitally with final images provided as TIFF files, or the client's preferred format.
Archive preparation & deposition
We can prepare all finds and digital data ready for deposition at the museum or digital repository. All work is conducted in accordance with current archiving standards and the individual institution's requirements.

Contact us today for a quote!